Saturday, August 11, 2012

School Started!

The Eagle Ranch School
 Grades 6-9
(All others attend Flowery Branch Elementary or High School)
We are officially on the school schedule! 

What's that mean?
6:45am - wake up, and get ready for school
7:15am - breakfast is over, kitchen clean-up and morning chores
8:00am - head to school (just down the hill - at the E.Ranch entrance)
3:30pm - return from school, do homework/study hall, free time (or chores)
6:00pm dinner, then bedtime and the alarm is set at 9:00pm!

I hear the school schedule is awesome and so much easier since the guys are not in the house all day, so we will see.  I didn't think the summer was that bad at all! 

Friday was their first day of school, and you can tell they were excited because when we went to wake them up at 6:45am they were already up and dressed, bags packed, and waiting to be let out of their rooms! (the rooms are alarmed) It was so funny... they were fidgety and couldn't wait! Luckily everyone came home after having a good day, and no one had any infractions! They came running in the house saying "Hi Daddy, I'm home" acting as if they were little kids coming back from their first day of school. haha  Kale missed them when they were gone, and kept asking if he could go to school also and see his friends.  His time is coming though, he starts preschool after Labor Day! 
Tomorrow we are off to church and then it's our "date night" (day off). So we are headed to my sister-in-laws house to celebrate little Caris turning one!  It's so great to be close to them, and see Kale grow up with his cousins. We are looking forward to a fun birthday party!

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